Scientists Just Captured The Flash of Light That Sparks When a Sperm Meets an Egg
27 APRIL 2016
“Which came first: the chicken or the egg?” or “When, exactly, did life begin?” Scholars have sought to answer questions like these definitively but have not succeeded until now.
The BEC CREW of scientists in Northwestern University “...Just Captured The Flash of Light That Sparks When a Sperm Meets an Egg.” Is this phenomenon, that SPARKLES for up to two hours when a human sperm cell makes contact with an egg, from “the Light of God”?
Scientists Just Captured The Flash of Light That Sparks When a Sperm Meets an Egg
27 APRIL 2016
For the first time ever, scientists have captured images of the flash of light that sparks at the very moment a human sperm cell makes contact with an egg.
The phenomenon has been observed in animals before, but no one’s ever seen the spark of human conception. And what’s even more incredible is the fact that some eggs burn brighter than others, which is a direct indication of their ability to develop into a healthy embryo, a team from Northwestern University found.
So why do sparks literally fly at the moment of conception? Back in 2011, the Northwestern team discovered that sparks of zinc exploded at the point of conception in mice.
It took them a few years to figure out how to image this event, but by 2014, they’d managed to film the event for the first time ever, and watched as billions of zinc atoms were released at the exact moment when a mammal's egg is pierced by a sperm cell.
Using a new fluorescent sensor that's able to track the movements of zinc in live cells, the team caught a glimpse of an egg’s zinc-storage capabilities, and found some 8,000 zinc compartments, each one containing around 1 million zinc atoms, just ripe for exploding. The tiny 'fireworks' that result were found to last for about 2 hours after fertilization.
Now, the same team has managed to film this event occurring in a human egg at the point of conception.
"It was remarkable," says one of the team, Teresa Woodruff. "We discovered the zinc spark just five years ago in the mouse, and to see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking."
If you follow health science news closely, you’ll know that the vast majority of studies - even the most promising ones - fail to live up to their potential. Maybe positive results in mice didn’t translate in humans, or perhaps lab-based studies couldn’t be replicated in living organisms. Maybe the researchers simply ran out of funding.
But in this case, we can actually see how quickly the team has progressed from mice to humans, and in the space of just five years, have figured out something that could change a lot of lives - the flashes of light that have now been seen in humans for the first time can be used to determine the viability of an individual egg.
For couples relying on IVF treatments, that’s huge, because around 50 percent of fertilized eggs do not develop properly due to some kind of unavoidable genetic mix-up.
Northwestern University
"This is an important discovery because it may give us a non-invasive and easily visible way to assess the health of an egg and eventually an embryo before implantation," says one of the researchers, Eve Feinberg.
"There are no tools currently available that tell us if it’s a good quality egg," she adds. "Often we don’t know whether the egg or embryo is truly viable until we see if a pregnancy ensues. That’s the reason this is so transformative. If we have the ability up front to see what is a good egg and what’s not, it will help us know which embryo to transfer, avoid a lot of heartache, and achieve pregnancy much more quickly."
For the experiment, the team used a sperm enzyme to activate the egg (fertilizing the egg with actual sperm for research purposes is illegal under US federal law) and watched as the event triggered calcium levels to rise inside the egg, which prompted the release of zinc.
"As the zinc shoots out, it binds to small molecules which emit a fluorescence which can be picked up by camera microscopes," Sarah Knapton explains for The Telegraph.
So why is zinc so special? The researchers found that eggs compartmentalize and distribute zinc to control the development of a healthy embryo - the mineral plays a vital role in controlling the 'decision' the egg makes to grow into an embryo - so the more zinc that’s released, the brighter the flash, and the more viable the egg.
"The egg first has to stockpile zinc and then must release some of the zinc to successfully navigate maturation, fertilization, and the start of embryogenesis," said one of the team, Thomas O’Halloran, back in 2014. "But exactly how much zinc is involved in this remarkable process and where is it in the cell?"
This is hopefully a question the researchers are now equipped to answer, and we can’t wait to see what they discover next.
The results have been published in Scientific Reports, and you can watch the footage below:
Healing of a Broken Heart
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Companionship in Heaven
Melania’s Letter
QUESTION: The explosion of billions of zinc atoms caused sparks of LIGHT—the brighter the light, the healthier the fetus—that lasted up to two hours. Is it possible that we can enhance our immune system by taking food supplements with “natural” zinc (not chemically produced zinc), and remain free from catching the covid virus?
April 15, 2021
Dear Melania,
Of all the first ladies that have served the USA during my lifetime (1941-2021), I hold you in highest esteem. You add character to your husband with your knowledge of different languages, being familiar with life and laws of European countries you have lived in, and having a business mind that enabled you to create a line of cosmetics. (I suspect that some of your ingredients are mentioned in the books of Moses.) Amazing! God bless you!
This note is to wish you a “Happy Birthday, Melania!!”
I pray daily for President Trump, Baron, and you as well as the extended Trump families. I ask Father God to “place the Whole Armor of God upon you (collectively)”. I ask Him to “pour upon you, the Seven Spirits of God (Isa. 11:1-4), the Nine Fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23), and the Spirit of Discernment (1 Kings 4:29) to see through God’s Eyes and Ears...resulting in the ability to discern Good from Evil and make Righteous Judgments concerning all challenges you face daily.”
All of these spiritual gifts are available to every believer who asks for it. (So, I repent, and then, I ask for these spiritual gifts (for all I have on my prayer list each night before retiring.)
Jesus said, “Ask and keep on asking and you shall receive..., seek and keep on seeking and you will find,.. knock and keep on knocking and it shall be opened unto you...” (Matt. 7:7 CJB).
Concerning the virus that has hit the world’s family’s childhood friends shared the following experience.
Several months ago, it was revealed to their family that 95-year-old Grandma’s RN-caretaker was a major carrier of the c-virus. Everyone that she serviced was tested positive. So, Grandma’s two daughters and Grandma were tested. The test returned was “negative.’
“Impossible!” said the medical researcher. “Test them again.”
A few days later, the second test returned “negative.”
“What? This can’t be right. Test them again.”
The third test was administered. It returned “negative.”
My daughter’s childhood friend shared with her that his family takes vitamins. About nine months before, they began taking “Sandhus - Zinc Quercetin” food supplement (one capsule per day). Could it be the reason they were protected from the virus? Daughter read all the comments on It was overwhelmingly positive comments. So she ordered it for our family.
Just a connection that I made.... In a research paper, I read and reported that “the flash of light” is created by millions of zinc atoms bursting as the fetus is developing.
“Scientists Just Captured the actual Flash of Light that Sparks when a Sperm meets an Egg.”3
BEC CREW, “Scientists Just Captured The Flash of Light That Sparks When a Sperm Meets an Egg,” at Northwestern University, April 27, 2016.
God bless you, Melania, and your beautiful family. A belated “Happy Birthday” that comes with my fervent prayers (daily) for President Donald Trump and the extended Trump family, supporters, and protectors.
Patricia Ono Nakama
The Overcomers Internet Ministry
We All Need Forgiveness and “Inner Cleansing”
QUESTION: Are you haunted by dreams and memories of painful arguments and misunderstandings even decades after their occurrences? May I suggest that this may be a sign from Heaven that Father God loves you and wants you to revisit the experience while you are in prayer-mode before Him? I have had these reminders frequently since I retired and began writing messages for The Overcomers ministry on TV and its website. During a writing assignment while reviewing Christianity Today (March 2022), I found the answer to my dilemma in the following essay.
31 May 2022
The angry sound of her voice cut through my heart. What have I done to deserve this? I just asked an innocent question about a pile of clutter in the middle of the living room floor, and I am reprimanded for being a “poor example of a mother.” The tears flowed after I closed my bedroom door behind me.
Is it true that our sinfulness often causes us to hurt those who are closest to our hearts?
“But leaving outcomes up to God is an important part of growing up in Christ. Admitting guilt also requires humility, trust in the Lord, and maturity. It is a function of integrity—admitting I am not the person I want to be, but I am still trying to get there.”1
“Forgiveness is one of the great themes of the Christian faith. We learned from the Gospel story that God forgave our sins, and He expects us to forgive others when they hurt us too.”2 Therefore, when I took the time to pause and listen to her apology, I allowed the calming sound of her voice to soothingly act as salve on my wounded heart. It gave us a chance to grow in the image of Christ and “freed us from the bondage of bitterness and resentment.”
Therefore, with real life examples and biblical truths, I introduce a personal formula called “Inner Cleansing.” It requires the offender and the offended to take three steps towards resolving their differences: (1) Heartfelt Repentance before the Throne of God; (2) A verbal or written Apology, asking, “Will you forgive me?” or a Confession before God, asking Him to relay the apology to someone in your distant past. (3) Reconciliation. If you judged someone publicly, a public apology should suffice. When your apology is extended, God’s peace that passes all understanding may fill your heart, confirming that you, too, have been forgiven.
This process of Inner Cleansing requires that both parties cooperate while proceeding through these three steps. In other words, (1) we reach out to God in Repentance, recognizing our sinful nature and asking Him for wisdom and understanding to heal a broken relationship. (2) We pause with the offender, searching for the culprit that caused the painful altercation while assuming the responsibility of the offender. An old saying, “It takes two to tango (dance)” may be applicable here, as each party recognizes his fallen nature to sin. In other words, forgive each other, for we are not perfect.
The Untamable Tongue.3
Do you recall an altercation from your distant past that keeps returning to you even when you have done all you can to “bury it”? It may be someone that you have lost contact with or who has already left this earthly realm.
For example, I met a 92-year-old widow who called and befriended me after listening to The Overcomers’ Christian messages aired on Hawaii’s Olelo Community Media, Channel 55. Her tongue and her temper were uncontrollable. James 3:9 described this woman’s tongue: “With it (tongue) we bless Adonai (God), the Father; and with it we curse people, who were made in the image of God.”
She confessed that she used to tell her husband every day that she hated him. Her heart was hurt over the fact that she was heartbroken over another man when they met. But everyone in her family liked him better than her previous friend. Kent was a Christian and never wavered in his love for her. She admitted that he was a good person that did not respond to her tongue-lashing. When he passed away, he left a void in her life that was irreplaceable. In her pain, she “cursed him” by repeatedly saying out loud, “I hated you. (Why did you leave without me?)” After a couple of years of writing and phone conversations, I wrote a note challenging her to pray while kneeling before her bed each evening. I wrote a simple prayer that she could read.
“Dear God, please forgive me of all my sins. I cannot change myself, but I think you can. Please help me. Thank you, Lord. Please forgive me for swearing and hating my family. They have hurt me so much. Help me to be like you and forgive them. Also, please tell Kent that I love him. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
After many months under Covid lockdown, she confessed that she still reads this prayer out loud every night. She relayed how her heart has changed towards her husband since she began asking God to “tell Kent I love him.” Now, she talks with God about her daily activities and the things Kent used to do that she loved about him. She also reminds God that she is ready to go to heaven right now, or when it’s His time.
What happened? The Bible tells us that “ man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison” (Jas. 3:8). Therefore, when this 95-year-old woman with a history of painful experiences changed her words (prayer), she became a humble woman that found joy in expressing her love to her God and her husband through her evening prayers that morphed into a personal heartfelt prayer of repentance, submission, and gratefulness.
The Curse Over Every Thief and False Witness.4
The next story depicts what results when “Inner Cleansing” is not practiced.
In a “closed court session” of eight people, I stood alone, completely oblivious of what was about to happen. A lawyer (pastor) called me “a liar.” Dr. Sonya, a Christian counselor for Roland (41), condemned me for causing Roland to lose his life savings (250K) that would have replaced his mother’s home which she lost when real estate sales and the stock market crashed a decade earlier. Six months after this “court session,” the truth was revealed that Roland invested in bitcoins and lost it all when the bitcoin market fell (2018).
In a meeting among three people, a loud altercation was heard in the Lawyer’s office when Roland confessed that he lost his savings to the bitcoin market. Yet, Lawyer’s final decision was to “wait and see what happens to (Pat).” (No apology was extended.)
Was I guilty? No, but just knowing that did not bring healing to my soul. I begged God for understanding. Why did an excruciating physical pain continue to cause tears to flow even six months after the fact? My apology letters did not bring healing, because the recipients remained silent. This case lingered on... (Aug. 30, 2018 – Sept. 1, 2019). Thereafter, Lawyer was exposed to Covid-19. After a month, he received a prescription that healed--Hydroxychloroquine.
Dr. Sonya, on the other hand, was dying from an unknown disease, according to her husband who golfs with my pastor. I begged God to forgive her and to give her a chance to repent. Now, my pastor said she is doing well. (Thus, I truly believe God is merciful and is faithful to answer ALL our prayers.)
Do Not Touch My Anointed Ones...6
This experience reminded me of a story that my mother shared with me concerning my father’s experience as a new evangelist in town (1980-90). After a three-year evangelistic tour on mainland America, Rev. Ono advertised “Revival Services” that was held in a public-school auditorium. In the style of a Pentecostal preacher, he prayed for the sick and ailing. A prevalent disease among the older people was “back aches.” He would sit them on a straight-backed wooden chair and hold up their outstretched legs. If legs were uneven---one longer than the other--he anointed their heads with olive oil and after a short prayer, he commanded the disease, “In Jesus Christ’s name, come out of (him/her).” At the sound of the name of “Jesus Christ,” the shorter leg would visibly move outward (up to six inches according to witnesses), until it matched the length of the longer leg. Is this a God-miracle? Thirty years later, one teenager recalled seeing this “miracle” so often that she thought it was a common occurrence in all churches. Today, she recognizes that God, the Creator, still “heals broken hearts and bodies.”
Two of Mother’s friends from a large church in town were amazed and excited to see this “miracle.” They shared what they saw with their pastor. Sadly, from the pulpit the next Sunday, that pastor called my father “a cult.” Mother heard his response from her friends. As a tempered prayer warrior, she feared for him. She knew what the Bible said about this. “Who are you to judge another man’s servant? The master decides if the servant is doing well or not. And the Lord’s servant will do well [stand] because the Lord helps him do well” (Romans 14:4).7
About two years later, this pastor began suffering with a “nerve” disease. Not finding a cure in this state, he resigned and moved back to mainland America.
After sharing this story with me, my mother emphatically warned me, “…to never speak against a man of God… (1 Chr. 16:22 KJV).8 Therefore, to those who are suffering because of
your faith in Christ, Isaiah goes a step further, describing how protective God is over His servants.
“Fear not, for I am with you; …Those who war against you shall be as nothing, As a nonexistent thing. For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you’” (Isa. 41:12-13 AMP).
Finally, when we are met with daily challenges, we can use the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.9 Memorizing scriptures and declaring it audibly will cause the cohorts of the Devil to flee. [For example, I memorized Isaiah 54:17. Whenever I am troubled, I repeat this verse over and over, until peace fills my soul. Then, I thank Father God for protecting me, “in Jesus name, amen.” --- Isaiah 54:17: “No weapon that is formed against you will succeed; And every tongue that rises against you in judgment you will condemn. This [peace, righteousness, security, and triumph over opposition] is the heritage of Yahweh’s servants, And this is their vindication from Me,” says the LORD/ADONAI/Jehovah.”]
In summary, if the three steps of “Inner Cleansing” are practiced, (1)Repentance; (2)Apology (Offender and Offended apologize and ask, “Will you forgive me? [Key to be cleansed]); (3) Reconciliation (Acceptance of apology by both parties), these steps will give both parties a chance “to grow in Christ” and “to be freed from the bondages of bitterness and resentment.”10 Troy Dorrell in “Biblical Apology” explains, “We have a scriptural obligation to forgive those who hurt us. At the same time, the offender also needs to be responsible enough to make things right.”11
An important clarification on Forgiveness was made by Oswald Chambers, in My Utmost for His Highest (Devotional), “Forgiveness means that I am forgiven into a recreated relationship, into identification with God in Christ. The miracle of redemption is that God turns me, the unholy one, into the standard of Himself, the Holy One, by putting into me a new disposition. The disposition of Jesus Christ.”12
Discussion Board between Colleagues
QUESTION: Joshua G. asked, “What do you do when one person is unapologetic or refuses to accept an apology?”
The section under "Curse Over Every Thief and False Witness" is a fine example of "at least one person who is unapologetic." All my accusers judged me as Guilty because they didn't hear the words that they wanted me to say. When I revealed the "truth" of the lie that Roland accused me of, no one, not even a pastor thought it was important to apologize. The Biblical verses that were pointed out to me says (in my interpretation) "if you do not forgive, you will not be accepted into heaven." (See Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary Baxter. Chapter 1.)
I have learned that when I am wrong and do not apologize, the memory never leaves.
Reason: "But if you don't forgive others, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins [transgressions; failings; trespasses]." --Matt. 6:15.
Could it possibly be the result of "unfinished business" that keeps one up at night and cannot sleep? Could it be God's mercy to keep reminding us that we MUST APOLOGIZE if we expect to be forgiven of our failures and transgressions?
Remember, only the "Pure in heart shall see GOD" (Matt. 5: 8). If the Almighty God is Holy, nothing unholy will ever be permitted to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Therefore, there is nothing we can do if the other party refuses to apologize. So, I pray for them...and I leave them in God's hands. If one dies before repenting, the sin of un-forgiveness on his heart will lead his soul into hell.
Sad to say, but this is TRUTH.
Patricia O Nakama
1. Dorrell, Troy. “4 Elements of an Effective Biblical Apology.” 16 Jan 2019.
2. Dorrell, Troy.
3. The Bible. The New King James Version. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996. This version is preferred unless otherwise indicated. James 3:8. “But man can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil [undisciplined, unstable], full of deadly poison.”
4. Zechariah 5:4: I will send out the curse” says the Lord of Host; “It shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the one who swears falsely by My name. It shall remain amid his house and consume it, with its timber and stones” (NKJ).
5. Prescription: Hydroxychloroquine.
6. 1 Chronicles 16:22; Psalm 105:15. LORD: “Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.”
7. Scripture Reference: Romans 14:4 (EXB) “Who are you to judge another man’s servant?
8. 1 Chronicles 16:22 (KJV) “(LORD) Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.”
9. Weapons of Warfare Scriptures: Armor of God – Eph. 6:16-18; Sword of the Spirit - Isa. 54:17; Bind and Loose - Matt. 16:19; Great Commission – Matt. 28:16-20; God’s Promise to help and protect you - Isa. 41:12-13.
10. Dorrell, Troy.
11. Dorrell, Troy.
12. Oswald Chambers.
Works Cited
Chambers, Oswald. “When He Is Come, Nov 19.” My Utmost for His Highest. Oswald Chambers Publications Association Ltd., 1963.
Dorrell, Troy. “4 Elements of an Effective Biblical Apology.” 16 Jan 2019.
Expanded Bible. Bible Gateway. Version 42, Bible Gateway / Zondervan, 2016.
The Bible. Amplified Version. Version 42, 2016.
The Bible. King James Version. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible. Version 5, 2007.
Patricia Ono Nakama
The Overcomers Internet Ministry
Are Marriages Made in Heaven? Part 2
About 10 years later, on February 19, 2020, at about 6-o-clock in the morning, I had vision that revealed to me that Marriages are Made in Heaven.
Are Marriages Made in Heaven? Part 2.
By Patricia Ono Nakama
February 12, 2024
PAT: Tonight’s story began about eighteen years ago. Father God introduced me to Dr. John Jenkins, who worked on the east coast as an educator for the National Council of Teachers of English. For three years, I strived to become a nationally recognized Teacher of English. Dr. Jenkins graded my videos and observed my progress. Then, Father God revealed to me that in His eternal plans for Dr. Jenkins, he was supposed to marry my principal. Long story short, I sent a front cover newspaper picture of my principal to him. Unknown to me was the fact that Dr. Jenkins had retired near the end of my three-year English course and the picture was sent to another NCTE office. So, being prompted by the Holy Spirit about two years later, I resent the picture and asked his replacement, Dr. Debra, to hand-carry the picture to Dr. Jenkins. She did.
In a vision, I saw Dr. Debra standing at his front door. She handed a large light brown envelope to him. Then, the Spirit of God revealed that Jenkins was soon to pass away, but the picture became confirmation to Jenkins that Father God heard his prayers and the visions he saw while praying was God-sent. I felt an overwhelming joy and peace settle in Jenkins heart as the vision ended.
About ten years later, on February 19, 2020, at about six-o-clock in the morning, I had a vision. Jesus asked me to record our conversation so that I would be able to share it with my Olelo friends on Honolulu Community Media in the future. Then, he explained….
Beginning of Vision.
JESUS: Pat, Catherine had an Out-of-Body experience and was taken to Heaven. She met Dr. Jenkins at the city gates. Now, they would like to talk with you and thank you for introducing them to each other indirectly.
PAT: Jesus, please allow me to place a Wall of Protection around all of us so no spirits of deception will be able to interfere in our conversation.
(My Prayer) Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I plead the Blood of Jesus as a shield over us, and the White Curtain of Secrecy that covers us so no spirit--human, saint, angel or demon-- can see, hear, taste, touch, or interfere in our communication with you. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen.
PAT: Hi Catherine and Dr. Jenkins! (I heard a chorus of two voices that responded to my greeting.) Then, Dr. Jenkins said,
JJ: “Pat, call me John. My first name is John.”
PAT: I smiled. You have one of my favorite names. I named my second son, John. Was my husband, Clayton, at the gates when Catherine arrived in Heaven?
CP: Catherine responded. “Yes, Pat. Clayton was at Heaven’s gates at my arrival with your son John. I met him/them for the first time. Clayton seems to be a man that exudes Strength and Humility. I felt Obedience exuding from him. I felt honored that he took the time to greet me when I arrived. Sharon (my secretary) was also at the gates of heaven. I just hugged her... I was so glad to see her again. In heaven, we are not limited to being “prim and proper” as our principal-secretary relationship was on earth. Heaven is such a wonderful, free, and full of love home that I am a part of now.
Pat, thank you for sharing with me your desire to have John Jenkins and I meet (while you were working on your National Certification for Teachers). When I saw him for the first time, I felt such a kinship to him. My heart gladly welcomed his friendship. He remained with me throughout my tour of the heavenly kingdom. All new saints (that is what we are called in heaven) are given an introductory tour of the heavenly kingdom. My guardian angel and John remained with me even when other saints who arrived at heaven’s gates about the same time parted and went in different directions partway through the tour.
I was mesmerized by the Library of Heaven. What a wonderful place to learn about God’s universe. The books that come alive makes reading unnecessary. (Smile) The hugeness of the Library is amazing to me. Then, we were introduced to “chariots” or futuristic cars without roofs that are run on God’s “power” instead of gasoline. What an experience we had going on our first trip to see how God created the universe and earth.
When my guardian angel took me to the Library and showed me the catalog of trips into the history of God’s universe and the Bible, John encouraged me to view the Creation Story. Agreeing with him, he pulled out a DVD and said, “This is the key to the chariot we will be riding.” Then, Chloe (my guardian angel) took us down a long hallway of doors. He opened one of them and there was a topless vehicle that he called “a chariot.” It was a four-seater. We settled into it and John slid the DVD Key into a slot in the dashboard of the chariot. The chariot noiselessly rose upward a few feet and we flew through the walls and ceiling of the Library. Chloe reminded me that we are spiritual beings and we are not limited to walls of the structures in heaven. I nodded, but I was also completely amazed by the change of concepts in the heavenly planet. It was such a wonderful trip into outer space. I saw the creation of the universe like a humongous Fireworks show similar to the ones we see on TV in New York, celebrating the beginning of the New Year.
PAT: WOW! Go on….
CP: Yes, Pat, in retrospect, I am finding out what it means to be truly FREE in spirit and soul without an earthly body. In heaven, I notice that nothing is hidden. For example, when I looked at John Jenkins for the first time, I felt his thoughts as he verbally welcomed me to heaven. He was full of love and peace and joy... that amazed me. He could read my mind because in heaven, the basic communication line is through what some people called “mental telepathy” in the 1960’s while I was in high school.
CP: On the heavenly planet, I have come to realize that NOTHING IS HIDDEN. You simply cannot lie... because whomever you are speaking to can read your mind and emotions. For example, I was embarrassed at first, because I was so attracted to John when I first met him at the gates of heaven. I thought, Wow. He is handsome...kind... gentle spirited... and loving. He truly is everything I imagined my “knight in shining armor” would be.
CP: Then, as we moved on, into the tour, he became a part of my little group (three of us). By the time we arrived in the Library, I knew that all the moments in time that you spoke of him and wrote me letters about him were true. He is the one that God had chosen to be my life partner. GOD revealed this to you, and with all my heart, I hoped it would happen. But even though our connections were tangled by the enemy of our souls, it didn’t change the “truth” of this godly plan for my life. By the time we were sitting next to each other in the chariot, watching the universe being created, the soul ties I felt between us convinced me that this relationship would last forever. Smile.
PAT: (Laughing softly) I asked, “Catherine, may I ask you a question?”
CP: Sure.
PAT: Have you both asked God the Father about this relationship? Do people get married in heaven?
CP: (Giggling softly.)Yes, Pat, after the chariot trip, my guardian angel bid me farewell.
CP: John and I spent a long time talking ... walking through the gardens of Paradise.... We shared our life’s story on earth to build a foundation of who we were. Our educational paths were similar... we were raised in loving family homes. His parents are from the Tribe of Levi. Therefore, his family line were the priests of the Temple of God in biblical times.
I noticed that we didn’t have to think about how to say things, because “absolutely nothing is hidden” in our conversations. I think that is because we are speaking from our innermost beings—from our hearts. Another thing I noticed about heaven is that there is no darkness or night-time as we know it on earth. Therefore, as we walked through the garden area, and shared our hearts with each other, time just flew by. We stopped at a Banquet Hall, and John asked me to “have lunch” with him. We both had a salad and a fruit drink that was so delicious. It tasted like “pure sugar” fringed with spices that enhanced the drink. I had never tasted anything like it on earth. I saw vegetables and nuts and grains in the salad, but it carried the taste of roast beef or broiled fish in it. Every food that I enjoyed on earth seemed to be encompassed in that salad dish.
After an enjoyable conversation in the banquet hall, we walked out, and saw some lounge chairs under the trees nearby. We made ourselves comfortable by sitting in chairs that were placed side by side and facing the banquet hall and walkways. We could observe people passing by... some came to share a meal with friends.... The distance between the banquet hall and the trees we were sitting under was just right... not too close and not too far, so we could distinguish people we knew.
CP: Now, back to your question: Did we talk to God the Father about our relationship?
PAT: John explained the difference between “time” in heaven and on earth.
JJ: The Bible says,
Psalm 90:4
“To you [In your eyes], a thousand years is like the passing of a day [in God’s eyes], or like a watch [equals three hours of a sentinel duty] in the night.”
2 Peter 3:8
But do not forget [ignore] this one thing, dear friends [ beloved]: To the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day. This means that [our perception of time is not the same as God’s. Ps. 90:4].
DR J: Therefore, in God’s eyes, one day in heaven is like the passing of 1000 years on earth. Let’s go to a window on the perimeter of heaven so we can see how much time has passed since (Catherine) arrived.
CP: I was so shocked to find out that several weeks had passed since (I left) earth. Our conversation during the chariot trip and a walk through the gardens, and having a snack seemed to be about one or two hours.
So, John explained that our friendship in heaven may be conceived as a “year-long” relationship in God’s eyes. Long story short, after what seemed like several more hours of sharing our lives on earth with each other, we both agreed that we wanted to hear what God had to say about it.
CP: Pat, we went to see Jesus and asked Him what he thought we should do concerning our newly blossomed friendship. He listened to both of us. Then, He asked us whether we wanted to become “Companions” which is the same as “getting married on earth.” We both agreed. There was no doubt in my heart that this man was the right man for me. (I even surprised myself at how positive I was in my response to Jesus’ question.) So, a ceremony was arranged, and we exchanged our matrimony vows with Jesus as priest.
CP: Pat, I wanted to thank you for the “blessed hope” you gave me through our years as colleagues in Farrington High School. I was so blessed when you shared Dr. Jenkins with me in my office during your break period. I never gave up that dream, even when we didn’t meet because of complications that arose caused by the difference in the time zones that separated us.
Then, during the past weeks on earth, you spoke to me in a dream and told me that Dr. Jenkins was looking forward to my arrival in heaven. Pat, I wept with joy when I opened my eyes and felt that it wasn’t a dream.
PAT: It wasn’t a dream, Catherine. The Holy Spirit brought you to my mind while I was still awake in bed. He asked me to pray for you—
When Jesus told me that you were soon going to Heaven and He wanted you to know that Dr. Jenkins would be waiting at Heaven’s gates for your arrival, I gladly prayed for you and spoke to you... sharing the truth that Dr. Jenkins has been waiting for over ten years for your arrival in heaven. Smile.)
CP: Pat, I have always kept you close to my heart, even though we had a principal-teacher relationship. Thank you, Pat, for being a “voice of love and hope” in my life. For your faith to step up into my life, I will always be grateful. I also love you, Pat. I have felt like you were my “spiritual sister” who always appeared when I needed to “hear from heaven.” Thank you.
John and I have been praying for you and your ministry since I arrived. We will continue to do that until we meet again here in the heavenly kingdom. Don’t allow the enemy to frustrate you with lies. Those thoughts are truly just that—LIES. I see that you will soon have a partner to work with in The Overcomers ministry. Smile. Keep your mind “up” for that is where TRUE Joy and Peace are found. God bless you, my sister. We love you very much.
JESUS: Pat, you may include this message on your website. All of these messages that you are receiving will bless many on earth who are seeking for the truth. Do not keep it hidden. It is meant to be shared in these “LAST DAYS” on earth.
PAT: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for such a blessing as this message has been to me. I will be obedient and willingly do all I can to bring Father’s plans for my life to fruition. Thank you, LORD.
The End.
February 11, 2024 6:15 AM.
Pat: Oh, my goodness! Catherine and John, how are you both?
CP: Pat, I love you so much. Every time I look at John, I am so thankful that you stepped out of the “wall” created by man and reached out to me.
My life on earth was seen as a successful person. But, here in heaven, all my dreams of love and marriage has become a reality.
Pat: Catherine, are you still alive on earth?
CP: Yes, Pat, but I am in a comatose state in a hospice. Soon my body will pass away, and I will be a permanent “saint” of the Kingdom of God. Smile.
PAT. That sounds so gloriously wonderful, Catherine.
PAT: How are you doing, John? I am so - so - so glad that we made that final connection with Catherine’s picture before you were called home.
JJ: Oh, yes, Pat. Nothing can replace the “greatest joy and thankfulness” I felt when I looked at Catherine’s picture. I thought, Wow! She is my dream!
Pat, when I saw Catherine’s picture for the first time, my heart just filled with love, joy, thankfulness to God for keeping His promise to me. You see, I never married because I knew God had someone special for me. He kept reminding me throughout my life that I would meet her before I left earth. I kept thinking that God meant that I or “we” would pass away early in our lives. But never did I think that I would meet her through a picture sent to me by someone I never met during my lifetime on earth. Smile.
Therefore, I had the time to watch Catherine for about twelve years from the windows of heaven before she was brought to heaven. I think that in God’s mercy and love, he saw how “lonely” we were for each other. After our first meeting, which you are now reading, we were allowed to communicate through dreams. But it will be the most glorious day when we are connected with our resurrected body and become “whole” like Jesus was during his last 40 days on earth. Smile.
Pat: Yes! I totally am looking forward to that day--the resurrection of saints which many call the “Rapture” day. Smile.
Catherine: Pat, I can see that you are exhausted. So let us say farewell for just a moment until we meet again. Thank you, Pat, for being so faithful in obeying all that God has asked you to do on earth. I am sure it has brought others to God. Smile.
Pat: Thank you, Catherine. I have always had a high regard, respect and love for you and John Jenkins. Thank you, Lord, for granting me this time of communing with Catherine and John in their perfect state of life.
JJ: You take care, Pat. Good-bye for now until we meet again.
The End 6:44 AM.
Pat's Messages
Received from the Heavenly Father

Doctor's Testimony of Heaven
An Overcomer Audience.
By Patricia Ono Nakama
Hello, friends! Welcome to the Overcomers. The Overcomers is an Internet ministry with the purpose of teaching God’s word to whomever hungers and thirsts for truth. I would like to share a testimony I received on August 17, 2016, at about 5:15 PM.
While waiting on the Lord in prayer, the Lord Jesus dropped into my room. He introduced me to a man who was a doctor here on earth. He had recently arrived in heaven. In this testimony, I will call him Dr. Stephen.
DR. STEVEN speaks….
Pat. I wanted to share my last hours on earth with you because you were such an inspiration to me while I waited to be called home to be with Jesus. I was not a Christian when I began to listen to your station. But because you were soft, kind, and encouraging, I kept on listening to you.
Doctor's Testimony of Heaven
Pat, I was a doctor when I was on earth. I tried to heal people who were suffering from all kinds of diseases. I loved my work, but I didn’t know Jesus. How much more could I have done for those who had no hope of getting well!
Pat, please tell your audience that there is no better way to serve humanity than with Jesus Christ as a partner. How I wish I could have heard about him earlier in my life.
Nevertheless, my sister in Christ, your words of encouragement and your prayers convinced me that this was the real deal. Jesus is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. I accepted Jesus when I prayed with you at the end of one of your programs. When I prayed for the first time, I felt the greatest joy and peace that I have ever felt in my life encompass me. How could I doubt that this was anything else but the real thing!
But as you know, I wanted to know how long I had to live. I kept calling you without saying a word. You seem to know what I was thinking, by the words you prayed for me. I had “un-forgiveness” in my heart. I had to make it right with my family members and ask them to forgive me…, which I did. After that was done, I was ready to go. I had no more ties to life on earth.
Now that I am on the other side and with Jesus… I realize how accurate the stories of people who came to heaven and went back are.
PATRICIA speaks….
Can you tell me what happened to you when you passed out of your body on earth?
DR. STEVEN speaks….
I met my guardian angel. His name is Colloidal (His name refers to silver and gold.). He allowed me time to say goodbye to my wife. She couldn’t hear me, but I told her how much I loved her and would always love her. I hugged each of my children who were at my bedside. Then, I had to leave.
PATRICIA: How did you leave?
STEPHEN: My guardian angel linked arms with me, and we shot up into the air like a rocket. We passed the sun, the moon, and many stars.
PATRICIA: Do you know how long you traveled before arriving in heaven?
STEPHEN: I just asked Jesus how long it took. He said that with my newly transformed spirit body, it takes about 5.5 to 6 hours.
Q-3--SLIDE #3: CELESTIAL CITY OF NEW JERUSALEM (Photo by Hubble Space Telescope. 26 Dec 1993)
STEVEN: Then, I saw a bright star that kept getting larger and larger as we neared it. The Hubble Space Telescope picture of Heaven is accurate. That is what it looks like from a distance.
We landed on the outer edge of Heaven and walked towards a humungous gateway. I think it looked like more than a mile wide. Other people were also entering the gateway. We had to walk through the River of Life to get into the garden area called Paradise.
That dip into the River of Life was amazing. I could breathe and talk underwater. Colloidal spoke to me across the bottom of the river. The riverbed has colored stones that look like jewels. The sensation of being in the water was amazing. Colloidal said that I was being cleaned of all the bad memories I had while I lived on earth. When we walked out of the river, I was completely dry and clean. Wow! What an experience!
PAT: What happened next?
DR. STEVEN speaks…. I was introduced to life in Paradise. I was taken to the large round white Library of Heaven. I was shown how to use the library so I can learn about God’s Kingdom and grow in my relationship with the Lord God. I learned how to worship God. Then, when the trumpets sounded for all of Heaven’s saints to come to attention, we heard what sounds like a news broadcast. We hear about the number of souls who accepted Jesus on earth that day. We hear about the battles between good and evil on earth. Pat, it is true. Prayer is the KEY to winning spiritual battles against evil. Tell your audience to pray as much as possible.
PATRICIA: Stephen, The Lord told me that you passed away yesterday (August 16, 2016). I was so sad and wished I had a chance to talk to you before that happened. After your last phone call, I kept hoping you would call me again because I felt such a desire to pray and comfort you. I felt you were in pain. So, I cried out to the Lord for the pain to stop, and The Holy Spirit prayed in a heavenly language through me. Peace returned to my soul thereafter. But This Conversation Relieves And Blesses Me. Thank You, Stephen.
STEPHEN: Pat, after being sick for an extended time on earth, it really is an indescribable experience to be healthy and whole again. The transition from one world to the next-- from the earthly body to the spiritual body is painless. Pain is only felt on earth while we occupy the human body. Our human body is only a shell of flesh and blood that limits us. In this spiritual body, I can travel 2000 earth miles in a few seconds… but considering the Nanosecond, while traveling through space, it still took us 5 to 6 earth hours to get from Hawaii to the heavenly planet.
PAT: That means Heaven must be trillions of miles away.
STEPHEN: Yes, for men who like to travel, there are no boundaries to time travel that you are allowed to do through the Library in Heaven. We can use the Time Travel machines called Chariots and travel to any destination in the history of God’s Universe.
PAT: have you traveled on one of those time machines? Will you describe the experience?
STEPHEN: THE LIBRARY has files that list destinations a person may choose. My guardian angel showed me how to use these. The key to the time machine looks like a DVD disc. We walked to an area where there is a long hall with doors. Each of these doors opened to a small room with a chariot-mobile. Colloidal chose a room with a two-seater chariot-mobile. With directions from Colloidal, I slipped the DVD key into a slot (like you would a car key). Because the time machine and heaven is a spiritual world and we are all spiritual beings, we flew through the confines of the small room out into space filled with stars.
PAT: Where did you choose to travel to? Or have you not taken a trip yet?
STEPHEN: Oh, no. I love to travel. That was one of the first things I wanted to test out. I looked for the DVD on God creating the universe. Wow! What a show! I am sitting in the chariot seat with my guardian angel. I saw God as a bright ball of light. I heard his voice as the thunder on a stormy night. When he spoke, His Word instantly created what He spoke and it came into being. Talk about fireworks on a brilliantly clear night… only this was a mega-fireworks of many brilliant colors and forms until the creation cooled down and was placed in a rotation system through space.
PAT: What did you experience that was unexpected to you as a new saint in heaven?
STEPHEN: Well, Pat, the most exciting experience was arriving on the heavenly planet. Everything about heaven is brilliantly clear with beautiful and colorful plants. Earthlings are called saints in heaven. The GLORY OF GOD constantly lights up the whole planet. God is Light and He lights up His Kingdom. (There is absolutely no darkness here.) The fragrance of heaven’s air is like flowers. The flowers, trees, and landscape are many times larger than earth’s. And, there is an angelic choir that sings 24/7. The music sounds classical and very conducive to worshipping God.
PAT: Stephen, I have heard that everyone has a mansion or home in heaven. Is this true?
STEPHEN: Yes, Pat. The size of the homes in heaven is determined by the work you do for the Lord while you are on earth. Since I was saved through your ministry, I had not done much for the Kingdom of God. But, I have a home that is perfect and designed to my liking. It reminds me of my home in Manoa.
PAT: Do you have furniture? Bathrooms?
STEVEN: No, in heaven, we do not need furniture or bathrooms. Our spiritual body is renewed every moment. If I want to sit down or rest, I can just sit in the air or lie down on the air. So when we visit with other saints in heaven, everything around us is like a perfect world, perfect weather, perfect water from the River of Life, and the fruit trees that line the river of life have fruits that we can eat anytime.
PAT: Jesus, MARIEANN said she tasted roast meat in the fruit she ate while she was in heaven. What is the roast meat taste from?
JESUS: The father created flavors that were pleasing to man while they lived on earth. Therefore, when a saint eats from the life-giving trees planted along the river, the fruit rejuvenates his spiritual life. The meat flavor in the fruit is not really meat, but the fruit is pleasing and satisfying to those that eat it.
PAT: are there many Trees of Life or just one?
JESUS: The original Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden is planted near the Throne of God in the Third heaven. There are twelve types trees planted along the River of Life. All of the fruits on the trees are available to any of the saints who want to eat of it.
PAT: Steven, do the saints in heaven have a daily schedule to follow? Are they given responsibilities or jobs? Stephen, do you have a job now that you are a citizen-saint in heaven?
STEPHEN: Yes, I have been introduced to my heavenly schedule, which is very exciting and new to me yet.
I mentioned that we hear what I call a “news report” of all the souls that have been saved on earth each day. We all cheer and clap when we heard the good news. I have also realized while listening to these news reports, that when Christians pray on earth, their prayers become strength and energy to the angels who are battling against the evil ones on earth. For example, when you fast and pray for a loved one who is not saved, the Spirit of God makes answering your prayer a PRIORITY. The angels are immediately sent out to accomplish that prayer request.
As for a job, I have been assigned as an educator on the health value of the different plants and herbs that exist in Paradise. I am guided and taught by my angel-supervisor. I oversee the gardeners who care for the gardens in heaven. My medical education on earth has qualified me to teach about plants and herbs rather than man-made chemicals and pills.
PAT: How many hours do you work in a week?
STEVEN: I put in about three to four hours a week. I am also learning about God’s plants here in Paradise. Time goes by so quickly, that I often forget about it and spend time with the gardeners and children who wander by, enjoying the plants and trees that are so beautiful.
PAT: Since you mentioned plants and herbs, do people in heaven eat three meals a day? Do you prepare meals in your homes?
STEPHEN: Anyone who wants to may invite a friend to partake of the food that is prepared daily for all of heaven’s population in the Banquet Halls near their homes. Since we experience no night in heaven, we are living in a perpetual daylight life. Every saint in heaven put in time in the job assigned to him or her. There are saints that work in the banquet halls with angels. The population of heaven is so immense, I think that is why we only work 3 hours per earth’s weekly timetable.
The angels serve as the teachers, counselors, and trainers of the saints in all walks of life in Heaven. I noticed that they are taller than human beings, especially when I overlook a large congregation of worshippers on the Sabbath day.
PAT: Do the angels live in Paradise with the saints?
JESUS: Heaven is a spiritual planet. The Word talks about three heavens, but in reality, the three levels of heaven have subdivisions, one upon the other, like a condominium building. There are four sublevels of living areas for the saints in heaven. The largest level is Paradise. After you cross the River of Life and walk into the garden area, you are on the first level of heaven which is home to any where from 83% to 90% of heaven’s population. The percentage changes because every earth day, heaven welcomes thousands of new citizen-saints. This also means that Heaven is expanding constantly to make space for the growing population.
The angels live on another level of heaven when they are not working with saints. My Heavenly Father also has created levels for heaven’s armies. All of the millions of white horses live and graze as well as train with their riders on those levels. Some caretaker angels live on the level that the horses do.
Those levels are always busy. Warrior angels train and care for their horses. Horse and rider teams train to become one body, and young riders practice using their weapons while riding at top speed.
PAT: Are the riders of Heaven’s Army all angels?
JESUS: No. Some of them are saints who were trained in their earthly life as military personnel. They will be a part of Heaven’s Army when it returns with Jesus Christ to fight the enemies of Israel during the Armageddon War.
PAT: Jesus, a relative wanted to know how old her 3-year-old daughter who died during heart surgery is now? Where are babies who were aborted or died prematurely? Do they grow and mature in heaven like we do on earth?
JESUS: There is a large garden or park where millions of babies and children are chaperoned and taught by angels and saints. This park is located on the first level of Paradise. When a child’s mother arrives in heaven, she becomes her baby’s caregiver. The maturity of the child is accelerated when the child learns about God’s laws and commandments. A child also mature as he hears the Bible stories children on earth hear in church. Angels and saints serve as Sunday School teachers in God’s Kingdom. Your mother, Pat, who was a Sunday School teacher on earth is a children’s teacher now. This is her heavenly job.
PAT: A relative, who lost her three-year-old daughter during surgery, over 50 years ago, asked me, “How old will my daughter be when I see her again”?
JESUS said: More than likely, she will be near the age she was at when she passed away. This answer can vary, and may not apply to all children. Our Heavenly Father makes individual decisions as each child’s spirit is brought to Him from earth after their death.
PAT: What about children who are born with handicaps? Will they still be handicapped when they live in heaven?
JESUS: No. I have seen My Father perform miracles upon crippled and abnormal babies. My Father’s healing power flows from His hands into baby’s body, and baby morphs into a perfectly formed spirit being.
PAT--Overcomer friends, this vision was a gift to me when the Lord Jesus said He wanted me to meet a doctor who had just arrived on the heavenly planet. Eight months before Dr. Steven passed away, I prayed for him on the phone about 4 or 5 times. The last time was the day before he passed away. So, to me, this conversation was a culmination of a heartwarming and peaceful encounter.
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and Neville Johnson both said that the Lord Jesus told them to be open and honest about their extra-biblical experiences, visions, and conversations they have had with the Lord Jesus Christ. These are SIGNS prophesied by Joel and repeated by the Apostle Paul:
Joel 2:28
Acts 2:17
“‘And it shall be in the LAST DAYS,’ says God, ‘ That I will pour out My Spirit upon all mankind; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see [divinely prompted] visions, And your old men shall dream [divinely prompted] dreams...’” (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17).
When the Rapture (or “the catching away”) takes place, the Anti-Christ rears its head.
So, I encourage you to ask the Lord for confirmation each time you hear “prophecies” (from God). Ask the Lord for two confirmations. (For example, you may hear another minister repeat the prophecy.)
The Word of God warns us to “test the spirit” of the prophecy (1 John 4:1-3).
Warning Against False Teachers
“Every spirit that confesses that Jesus came to earth as a human is from God. And every spirit who refuses to say this about Jesus is not from God. It is the spirit of the Antichrist...” (1 John 4:2-3 EXB).
Therefore, for confirmation, wait on the Lord for other witnesses who agree or disagree. Paul the Apostle said,
2 Corinthians 13:1 (AMP)
[ Examine Yourselves ] Every fact shall be sustained and confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
1 Timothy 5:19 (AMP)
Do not accept an accusation against an elder unless it is based on [the testimony of at least] two or three witnesses.

A Dream of Heaven, Part 3
by Anonymous
A note from Pat: "A Dream of Heaven," so inspired me (Pat Ono) to name this ministry "The Overcomers internet ministry." This ministry presents people in history, who have gone through challenges and and tough times...some lived to see a brighter tomorrow...some gave up their lives to stand for "righteousness and truth." Whether they lived or died was not a determining factor. In the end, they all received a just reward. For example, in Luke chapter 23,
The thief on the cross said to the other thief:
(But the other one checked him with the words) “Aren’t you afraid of God even when you’re getting the same punishment as he is? And it’s fair enough for us, for we’ve only got what we deserve, but this man never did anything wrong in his life.”
42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
43 And Jesus answered, “I tell you truly, this day you will be with me in paradise.” --Luke 23:41 (Phillips Translation)
An Overcomer Never Gives Up!
A Dream of Heaven, Part 3
In Part 1 and 2 of A Dream of Heaven, the dreamer who was an atheist for 43 years remembers a dream he had when he was 15 years old. In that dream or vision, Jesus Christ takes him to heaven. As they float above the amazing orderly landscape of trees, gardens, majestic mountains, and millions of children, Jesus tells him that they are going to the city where his father is. God the Father wanted to talk to him about his destiny.
I am now reading the last part of this dream, which covers the dreamer’s conversation with God.
(God) went on to say...
"15 years ago earth time you didn't want any part in that destiny. You kept trying to leave your body. Small and frail as it was. You wanted to be here with me. Your "Daddy" as you called me from the depths of your innocent infant spirit. How I loved it. To hear you call me that. I am your "daddy"... I am everyone's "Daddy" if only they would realize it. And through your final decision to return and live your life... many millions WILL."
“I asked him. Rather dumbfounded "So. I died as an infant. Willingly. died.. JUST so I could be here with you?"
“He said "Yes.. twice you actually succeeded.. and you tried many other times as well.. Before you managed to stop your own heart by an act of your will. The first time I sent you right back after a brief explanation. The second time.. I KNEW you would come back because I was the one who created IN you the curiosity and pure stubbornness to GET a full explanation of the facts. You have an inquiring mind.. one I created FOR the purpose of your destiny.. you will find it very useful in the days ahead.. but also.. it will also be a hindrance at times.. but that's why I gave you a mind like this.. to BE an "Overcomer."
“An ‘overcomer’ I said?...WHAT is that?
“He smiled broadly and motioned his hand out over the sea stretching out before us to the "horizon"..."See this field.. this sea of glass??.. in a few decades you, and millions of others will be here.. and yes.. your sister and daughters as well (Daughters.. I will have DAUGHTERS??). THEY will all be here.. jumping and leaping for joy.. as the climax of all creation is made known to all.
“I asked him... ‘So I've been here.. and chose to go back once you explained WHY I had to go back.
He said "Yes.. I was very proud of you.. you are a fighter.. you never give up.. although you do tend to be discouraged easily.. but you also get up again and again.. you never quit.. THAT is why I am proud of you. You fall and fail.. yet you try and try again. Its not how many time you fail I take note of.. its how many times you get up again and keep going.
“THAT is character.. and character is all important and vital for what comes after your life on earth is complete."
“I looked at him and said "Huh"?..(rather stupidly I might add)
“He just grinned and said "There is coming a time soon.. a few decades from now earth time...when all you have learned.. and all you will learn will find its meaning. You think you will sit around being all happy here in this place doing nothing forever? NO.. you will have work to do.. places to oversee.. administration.. government.. all very busy.. and decisions will be needed.. from people with character.. people who have gone through the fires and beat them.. and.. people who are wise.. strong.. resilient.. steadfast—in a word— overcomers."
“He went on to say "Now you know why you never knew me except as an infant. You know why...because in all the things you have gone through these last 15 years.. you grew character.. without the "Crutch" of fought on and on.. you overcame your weak frail body.. it grew strong.. you overcame the sicknesses that resulted from your premature birth... you overcame the anger and grief of your overcame the incessant teasing at school.. the bullying and the physical beatings.. just because you were "Different." You saw through the lies on TV…you never bought into the rubbish (the deceptions). You kept on and on.. always asking.. looking.. reading and searching.. for deep down you KNEW there was more to this life than met the eye.. and deep down.. was the seed I had planted there when you and I had our little chat.. and now here you are today...and I am answering your question in full.. for know.. that all was not in vain.. life DOES have a purpose.. far greater than you can ever imagine."
“I stood there.. taking it all in.. it suddenly all made sense...all the trouble I had been in.. the hurt.. the pain.. the despair.. the victories.. again and again.. a cycle of defeats.. followed by victories.. and followed again by defeats.. and followed again by victories.
“I was always alone.. never a friend...but I kept going.. I KNEW, even though I actually "Believed" in nothing, that I was WRONG somehow in that "belief".. which.. after all.. was NOT a belief but an assumption.
“He JESUS stood there...letting it all soak in.. it all fit together.. and explained a lot of what had happened in my childhood.. the early formative years of the basic character I would need in the next three decades.. as he was just about to warn me about... He said "Come with me.. up there.."
“We both rose up to the throne.. and we sat on it together.. looking out over the sea of citrine yellow fire.. glowing in awesome majesty.. vacant.. for now...
(I was not actually "Sitting" as I was in spirit.. no body as such.. but you get the idea.)
“He pointed down to a spot near the front of the throne.. slightly to the right of it and said. "Know this for a less than 4 decades from now earth time.. YOU.. and your two daughters.. will be standing right there.. on that very spot.. you will be leaping and shouting victory.. joy.. gladness.. your arms around your young ones, who I will bless you with at the right time.. and there you will finally understand all that you are to go through in the next 35 years. Behind you.. surrounding you.. will be many many people.. who will only be there because of your words.. what you say.. and because of the moment you said them. No one will know you.. you will not be on a stage.. or on a movie or in a book. Just your words.. will spread out and impact many lives.
“There.. standing there where I am pointing
“(He raised his hand and pointed to the exact spot I will be standing in three decades or so from then)
“I will acknowledge you to the others.. the ones who are there because you CHOSE to stay on and fight through.. I will let them all know your name.. and then you can spend the rest of the 1000 years meeting them all.. and sharing your testimony in person.. and hearing theirs. It will be an amazing time for you.. you will be utterly astounded at just who you reached with your words.. and their effects.
“Nothing happens for nothing.
“Your words.. born in the fires of agony and trials.. will touch many lives.. and also save many lives.. and the reason I tell you this now..
“( He suddenly got all serious.. His smile of joy at the future memory of this event faded.. and the present came rushing back in.. and with.. a tear? his eye.. and a sadness I could only see the edge of..)
“He continued...
"In the years ahead.. you will try to find me.. here.. will look and will try churches.. drugs.. alcohol.. parties.. friends.. all looking for me...trying to find WHERE I can be found on earth. You will forget most of what I have told you today UNTIL the day BEFORE it all comes to pass.. and your true destiny begins.. which will be in your 44th year (2012)...."
“(THAT is tomorrow.. I turn 44..and YES.. its only NOW.. the DAY BEFORE.. that I remember EVERY WORD he said to me that day so long ago.. until TODAY...I could only remember bits.. and the place itself.. NOT the warnings or the details)
He continued...
" the years ahead.. you will long to die.. you will experience such deep despair.. such grief.. so much pain. The fires will forge you.. stronger and stronger you will become with each forging. There will be three times you will attempt to take your life.. which I will prevent.. three times you will survive.. and get up and keep going.. again.. each step.. closer to the final product."
"You will die to yourself.. you will die to this world.. you will eventually die out to the "Need" of human love.. finding it to be untrustworthy and fickle .You will know in the end.. only MY love is certain.. and only I can be counted upon.
“And on that day.. you will walk as a lion.. fearless.. dead to the world.. trusting only in me.. and THAT.. is the reason I will let you wander.. to find out, once and for all,
as Solomon once did.. that ALL.. apart FROM me.. is vanity.
And there.. lies real strength...and courage.. and wisdom...and with those three attributes forged INTO you by the fires of life itself.. you will march forth in your 44th year.. and devastate so many many half truths.. you will clear a pathway.. just with your words.. to truth.. to life.. and many will follow.. but NOT YOU...they will follow the TRUTH you have learnt so hard.
“No one will EVER know who you are.. until that day.. the day I tell all, in front of the vast crowd.. your accomplishments. Both yours.. and many other warriors who will have done similar to you.
“You will receive your reward sooner.
“So… go now… back to earth...and I will be with you every step.. I will guide your every step… and I will not let a single hair on your head be harmed.
“There will be many attempts on your life by the evil one. I will guard you. See there?
“(He pointed out across the field.. and there.. hovering above the field were two angels.. BIG ones..stern..strong..6 feet across at the shoulders.. at least 16 feet high...each dressed like a warrior.. with a ten foot long broadsword in a jewelled scabbard.. ready for anything.)
“These two have been with you since birth. They are your protectors. In the days of your destiny you will get to know them personally, but until then, they will remain hidden… from you… and from others… but NOT from the forces of darkness...who will flee left and right at their very look. Thus no harm will ever come to you. You must be kept alive at all costs… even against your own attempts to end your life. You can’t even harm yourself… much as you are going to want to.
“(As it turns out… I DID try to kill myself three times… and each time… it failed...overdose…nothing. I just woke up a week later feeling great. Drink myself to death? Nope... I always passed out or vomited it all up. CAR accident? Head on crash at over 130 kph into a concrete pole which left the car a burning wreck.... same.. was flung from the car as it burst into flame. Not a hair singed… and not a scratch. That was my last attempt. I gave up trying to kill myself after that… no point.)
“He then looked me right in the eye.. with his amazing eyes of multi hued blue fire and said..
"(My name) the years immediately following this conversation.. you will remember only parts of what I have said. Here and there I will allow a brief flash of remembrance. During dark times.. when you need it the most.
“But for the most part your decisions.. and mistakes.. and outright rebellions, will be your own. But they too are a part of what you must learn. You will even get very angry at me in several years time.. when you fail to find me in any churches or doctrines or drugs or books or seminars. You will even curse the day you were born… and your anger and grief will lead to some dreadful mistakes… but those same mistakes will be the making of you. Your anger and your grief at not "Finding me" will in fact be what allows you to find me in the end.
“A week before you turn 44 the final test will come.. your family will disown you and turn against you... and in that moment you will make a final decision (WHICH I did) which will enable the memory of all I have told you to re-surface one day before you turn 44..and when you do.. begin...for your 44th year is when everything you have ever learnt will come into play. The world will grow very dark.. people will be dying and losing hope.. BE that hope for them.. and tell them.. they DO have a "Daddy".. that I am here FOR them.. and that nothing in their lives has happened for nothing either.. as I hold all events.. and every life.. well and truly in the palms of my hand. Now go.. and I will see you again just under 4 decades your time, from now.
“Then.. BANG... just like that.. I opened my eyes...and looked at the clock next to my bed...I was there for what seemed like hours.. or days.. but only about five minutes had passed.
“And true to his word...I forgot almost everything he said...until today.”
After I wrote this dream more came back to my memory of the event.
The last year for me has been hard. very very hard. I wont go into details but the events of my life just in the last 12 months leading up to today.. the last day of my 43rd year.. were the final stage. I am dead to this world now. And going by what I can remember now of that event 28 years ago...I can see why.
There is a vast and terrifying abyss just ahead. Many millions dying.. war.. death.. loss of hope. Our whole way of life.. our entire civilization… will soon be in ruin.
That is when lights shine the brightest.. when darkness falls.
The darkness falls very soon. Before the middle of next year... I can’t see clearly WHAT it is. I only know its devastating… and permanent… as in it ends western civilization… forever.
One other thing I know about what's coming.
THERE WILL BE NO WARNING.... NO one will predict it…. NO prophet will warn of it…. NO one will KNOW…. until the final few seconds.
Its going to be FAST and SUDDEN and WORLD SHAKING..NO warning.. not even from the Lord.
The ONLY clue I have been given regarding the beginning of the end will happen on an ordinary day. A day just like any other. No change.. no "feeling" of impending doom...just a sudden and shocking CHANGE.. and nothing will ever be the same again.
Our epoch ends.. just.. like.. that.(Snap of fingers)
Then following this change.. this devastating world rocking event.. comes the harvest.
Then before the year 2020...the final end.
PAT: The prayers and fasting of a multitude of prayer partners and ministries in 2016, begging the LORD for a reprieve (second chance) on His Judgment on America, persuaded God the Father to delay the “final end.”
Thus, the LORD granted America “a sliver of time” (extension-approx. 3-4 years) which will end when Trump leaves office.
QUESTION: Ms. Pat, what happens after the Seven Years of Plenty (Prosperity)?
ANSWER: The Seven Years of Famine begins. Jesus said, “BUT God will make that (Great Tribulation) time short. Otherwise, no one would survive; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matt. 24:22 EXB, NKJ).
PAT: In my opinion, this means that the Seven Years of Famine may be cut in half—three and a half years.
In a 2016 prophecy, the Spirit of God said, “The Rapture (1 Cor. 15:51-57; 1 Thess. 4:15-17) is the SIGNPOST of the beginning of the Great Tribulation (1260 days or 42 months or 3.5 years – Rev. 11:2; 12:6,14; 13:5).
“I was told I would see it.. the return. Its right at the end. I was also told I would not see the age of 50 in my current body.
“I am 44 tomorrow (2012). That is the year I was told my destiny and all these years of hardships.. stupid mistakes.. lessons learnt.. and character building would all find the uses.
“We have.. I feel.. but a few weeks of "Normal" left.
“When the change comes.. it will catch everyone totally off guard.
“They are already off guard because of the December 21st campaign.. designed BY the media.. to achieve just that.
“Now they have an entire world population not caring one bit about any predictions or prophecies or forebodings.
“Everyone is asleep.. as planned.." and the flood came on a day they knew not.. and took them all away" in the days of Noah.. so shall it be again...and so it actually IS...NOW.”

The Shiloh Excavations: History of Shiloh
Ancient Shiloh was first established in the Middle Bronze (MB) II period, around 1650 B.C. It was expanded in MB III, around 1500 B.C. and was continuously occupied until the middle of Iron Age I (around 1050 B.C.) when it was destroyed by the Philistines (See I Samuel 4). It was rebuilt in Iron II (980-587 B.C.) and was occupied through Early Roman times. The Byzantines and Crusaders also built structures there. Most importantly, it was the center of Israelite worship for at least 300 years. The tabernacle was erected at Shiloh and may have been later replaced by a more permanent structure. The city is in the territory of Ephraim, Joshua’s tribe.

How Lunar and Solar Eclipses Shed Light on Biblical Events
Rodger C. Young, in “How Lunar and Solar Eclipses Shed Light on Biblical Events” tells how God brought judgment on Herod the Great because he burned the rabbis who claimed he desecrated the Temple.
How Lunar and Solar Eclipses Shed Light on Biblical Events
- “History of Shiloh,” Associates for Biblical Research, (Shiloh, Israel: The Shiloh Excavations, Spring 2019), accessed February 27, 2019,
- Rodger C. Young MA, “How Lunar and Solar Eclipses Shed Light on biblical Events,” Associates for Biblical Research, (Shiloh, Israel: The Shiloh Excavations, Spring 2019), accessed February 27, 2019, the closing days of his life, Herod the Great was presented with a crisis called the golden eagle incident. Herod had placed a golden eagle over the entrance to the Temple. Although he professed that it was an offering dedicated to the Lord, it was regarded as a desecration of the Temple by two rabbis, Matthias and Judas, who provoked a group of more than 40 individuals into pulling down the eagle. Herod’s soldiers captured and executed many of the participants; Matthias and Judas were burned alive. After relating this sordid incident, Josephus comments that the night after Matthias and Judas were executed by burning, there was an eclipse of the moon (Antiquities 17.6.2-4/17.149-167).
This is the only reference to a lunar eclipse in all the writings of Josephus. Perhaps a modern historian would not have mentioned it, judging that an astronomical event like an eclipse is independent of the activities of man, unless it preceded some important occasion such as a battle and so influenced a decision such as whether or not to go to war. In the ancient world, however, an eclipse was regarded as an omen or portent whenever it happened. For Josephus, the eclipse in the night after Herod put to death the two protesters are a sign of displeasure from God. This is shown by the fact that Josephus describes, immediately after the mention of the eclipse, Herod’s physical suffering, a suffering from which he could find no relief until his death at some time between the eclipse and Passover. In the Antiquities passage, the eclipse and Herod’s torment signified the same thing: God’s solemn judgment on Herod after he put to death individuals more righteous than himself.
In the same article, Young discusses “Jonah and the Bur-Sagale Eclipse.”
Another famous eclipse, this time of the sun, may have played a part in the account of Jonah and the Ninevites. The time of Jonah’s preaching in Nineveh can only be estimated very generally from the Bible. Second Kings 14:25 says that Jeroboam II, king of Israel, restored the northern and eastern borders of Israel according to the word of the Lord spoken by the prophet Jonah, son of Amittai. Jeroboam II began a coregency with his father Jehoash in 793/92 BC and reigned alone from 782/81 to late summer or early fall of 753. Assuming that Jonah’s prophecy of restoration came early in the reign of Jeroboam, Jonah’s ministry would have been in the first half of the eighth century BC, i.e. from about 793 to 750 BC. During this time the Assyrian Eponym Canon records an eclipse of the sun that occurred in the eponym of Bur-Sagale, in the month of Simanu. Modern astronomical calculations date this eclipse to June 15, 763 BC, and show it was a total eclipse as it passed near Nineveh. For historians, the importance of this eclipse is that it provided an absolute date that allowed assigning BC years to the yearly eponyms of the Assyrian Eponym Canon (AEC). The accuracy of the AEC dates was later confirmed when new inscriptions were found, and also when compared to the data derived from Ptolemy’s Canon for the century for which the Canon overlaps with the AEC, 747 to 648 BC.6 (See Appendix 1: NASA Graphic path of Solar Eclipse of June 15, 763 BC.)
- Young, Solar Eclipses.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., Quoted by Young: (Thiele 1983: 116; McFall 1991: 45; Young 2005: 245).

Appendix 1 is a NASA graphic showing the path of the solar eclipse of June 15, 763 B.C.
This eclipse over Nineveh was the "sign" from God to the people of Nineveh. Thus, when Jonah proclaims the Judgment of God over Nineveh, they repented from the King of Nineveh to the babes. The whole nation repented and fasted. Therefore, the Judgment (punishment) on Nineveh was delayed for 100 years. Why? Two generations later, (if 40 years is one generation), the leaders and governing body over Nineveh (Assyria) returned to being evil, heartless, and murderers (see research paper).
Thesis: "JONAH: A Defensive Prophet Experiences God's Love." JONAH: A Defensive Prophet Experiences God's Love. By Patricia O. Nakama Jan. 25, 2019
America Today. Because Christian prayer groups and ministries in America fasted and prayed in 2016, God is delaying His Judgment on America, not for 100 years like Nineveh, but for "a sliver of time." In my opinion (I am human, and I may be wrong), the “sliver of time” may be two to three years. After Trump became U.S. President, I wondered whether Trump's second term as President might be the extension granted by the LORD (April 28, 2016) to the "Seven Years of Plenty" (2014-2020).
The Spirit of God whispered in my ear, "The next U.S. President (after Trump) will be a very evil man."
If this is true, then, the rapture of the "pure in heart" will take place after Trump’s job is done. The Spirit of God also revealed, "The rapture is the 'signpost' of the beginning of the Great Tribulation (3.5 years, 42 months)."
Is this what the anonymous writer of “A Dream of Heaven” (2012) meant when he said, “...western civilization as we know it today will disappear”?
No matter what happens, remember that God promised He would protect His children. To receive His Protection and be ready for the rapture, a repentance prayer each night on our knees before lying down to sleep will purify our hearts. Thus, the Word says, "The pure in heart shall see God" (Matt.5:8).
(The Spirit of God guaranteed that I would be raptured IF I faithfully prayed, “Lord, please forgive me of all my sins...” before lying down to sleep each night.)
OBST520.B01. JONAH Research Paper.Final10.
Appendix 1
6 Ibid., Quoted by Young, (Thiele 1983: 71).
NASA graphic showing the path of the solar eclipse of June 15, 763 BC. The eclipse would have been seen as total in the area between the blue lines. The site of ancient Nineveh (the city) is about four miles northeast of the center of the modern city of Mosul, Iraq; the province of Nineveh occupied a considerably larger territory. If this NASA reconstruction is correct, the eclipse would have been observed as only partial in the city, but total just a few miles further north. The fact that modern astronomical programs show the eclipse as only partial in the city itself has led some investigators to surmise that the eclipse mentioned as occurring in the eponym of Bur-Sagale was some other eclipse at a different date. This is usually done to support alternative biblical chronologies that do not agree with the conventional interpretation of the Assyrian Eponym Canon (AEC). However, it is precisely in the eighth century BC that the AEC is most assured of being correct, because various copies of the AEC have been found that overlap this time, and these in turn overlap the reigns of the kings of Assyria and Babylon given in Ptolemy's Canon, which begins in 747 BC. Map from NASA, 46
Could the Bur-Sagale eclipse be a reason why Jonah, when he finally proclaimed destruction upon Nineveh, found a people who were willing to repent? Young found this question asked by various writers. He confirmed that if this is true, “it would suggest that Jonah’s trip to Nineveh took place during the reign of Ashur-Dan III, who reigned from 773 to 755 BC.”

Prelude to Companionship in Heaven
PRELUDE to “Companionship in Heaven.” Charles Kiyoshi Kawakami is Pat Ono’s elementary school classmate from Kindergarten to Sixth Grade at Waimea Elementary and High School (1946-1952). His father, H.S. Kawakami, asked Jesus, “Please ask Pat Ono to pray for my son. I am the only member in my family in Heaven. Please send her to my youngest son, Charles.
Prelude to Companionship in Heaven
Almost a year later, I gained contact with Charles. He was in Queen’s Hospital, suffering from a brain aneurism. The next day, one of my Prayer Partners and I went to pray for him. He was asleep. But, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for him while he slept. After anointing his forehead with oil, Ms. Ethel and I prayed. I asked his spirit man to repeat the Sinner’s Prayer after me. Then, we sat and waited.
When Charles awoke, he was so surprised to see me. I hadn’t seen him for over 45 years. But, he said he knew who I was. “You’re Pat, right?” (Yes.)
Charles passed away over a week later at home in his sleep. When he visited me two days later with Jesus, he thanked me for praying for him. He shuddered when he recalled what he saw in hell; he was so glad to be in heaven with his father.
Charles’s wife is not in heaven. Therefore, I suggested he look up Oden Hetrick, who wrote the book, “Inside the Gates of Heaven.” Saints in heaven are not “husband and wife,” since they are spiritual beings and cannot bear children like human beings. Therefore, they have “companions.” Charles now has a companion, who lived in Japan during the Shogunate era.
PAT: Before Charles Kiyoshi was blessed with a companion, he was given a “second chance” to remove the “heaviness of regret” from his soul by stopping a young Christian couple on earth from committing fornication and convincing their parents that they should marry sooner than later (Age of couple: college students—19-20 years old). He had three days to fulfill this challenge. Afterwards, he shared his thoughts with me.
QUESTION: What did you learn during this process?
CHARLES : I received an understanding of the importance of remaining HOLY and PURE in your personal relationships--meaning NO sex (before marriage).
QUESTION: How would you explain “no sex before marriage” to a class of teenagers?
CHARLES: I guess I would say the same thing I said to these two sets of parents (in their dreams). I told them that the Lord God expects us to keep his Commandments. But parents today, are not expecting this of their children because there is rampant freedom of sexual behavior and society have become numb to the sin and depravity it creates in the souls of our young people.
I went away to college and I was not sexually active then, because I was among white people who lived differently from the Oriental rules of living. But when I joined the military force, I was sent to Japan. It became easier and easier to get a one-night stand. But these one-night stands were void of true feelings of love. When the act was done, it was done. No memory of it was left inside of me.
But what it did to my spiritual life as I know it today (as a saint in heaven) is that it (fornication) STOLE FROM ME all the joys of young love. To me, a woman was a slave and a child bearer to her husband. All my life, that was the relationship I had with my earthly wife. She purposely trapped me into marrying her by allowing herself to get pregnant. I had a righteous father who said, “You chose this, so now, you must pay the price for your actions.” I had to marry her.
But the person I was attracted to ever since I was in the sixth grade was a Christian girl who kept herself pure for her husband. She was the one I took home and introduced her to my parents. They liked her. But I didn’t know how to communicate with her. I was at a complete loss for words. THUS, I lost the opportunity to develop an honest to goodness love relationship with her.
I told John and Mary’s parents that to allow John and Mary to have sex before they are married would destroy the pure relationship they have with God as well as with each other. Their relationship is approved by the Lord God. So, I was sent to make sure John, as well as both parents, understood the importance of keeping the sixth commandment, “You shall not commit adultery or fornication.” So, now, both parents, after comparing notes of the dreams they both had with me, believe that this is the right thing to do. I believe John and Mary’s marriage is in the planning stage now (2017).
PAT: This testimony reminded me not to be quick to make judgments of people’s spiritual experiences based on my earthly view. For example, my first thought was “What? Would God really send someone back to earth...? When I questioned God to verify whether it was really “His Plans,” His answer was in Isaiah 58:8-11 (NIV).
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
–Isaiah 58:8-11 (NIV)
PAT: God is Supreme. It was His choice to grant Charles Kiyoshi Kawakami an opportunity to remove the “heaviness of regret” that Charles felt all through his life because he couldn’t communicate with the girl he really loved. Now that this story is completed, Charles can go on with his life in Heaven. Thus, God chose a companion for him, who lived during Japan’s Shogunate Era
7 Ibid.,
“You have loved righteousness (virtue,
morality, justice) and hated wickedness;
Therefore God, your God, has anointed You
Above Your companions with the oil of jubilation.”
--Psalm 45:7 (AMP)