Draw Closer to the Lord
The Overcomers Internet Ministry
Hello! I am Patricia Piilani Ono, executive director of The Overcomers Internet Ministry. We began airing on Honolulu Olelo Community Media in June 2013. Please get to know us and our mission to spread the Eternal Love of God. My Heavenly Father’s call to create a ministry was confirmed by my colleague and friend, Dr. V. Domligan, founder of The Prayer Center of the Pacific and pastor of His House of Prayer and Praise. – The Lord Jesus Christ was my first love and so it continues today.

The Book of Miracles
“Benjamin Ordinario Meets GOD”
On October 8, 2017, the memory of my high school classmate, Benjamin Ordinario, returned. At about 75 years old, Benjamin was battling against an incurable disease. He responded to an email that I sent out to my classmates, offering to pray for anyone who needed prayer. Yes, he responded, he needed prayer. He was afraid to die, because he didn’t know what was going to happen to him after death.
I wrote Benjamin a long letter of suggestions. First, I prayed for him, asking God to “spare him the physical pains” that some people experience in the process of dying. Secondly, I asked him to read a chapter a day from the Holy Bible and, finally, I asked him to pray The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13 AMP) every night before going to sleep.
THE LORD’S PRAYER. (Matthew 6:9-13 (AMP)]
‘Our Father, who is in heaven,
Hallowed [Holy] be Your name.
‘Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
‘Give us this day our daily bread.
‘And forgive us our trespasses (sins), as we have forgiven (those
who have hurt us).
‘And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from (the evil one).
[For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.]’
Benjamin’s wife, Gloria, read the Bible to him each day. After about two months of answering questions, sharing experiences of friends who had passed on, Benjamin’s mind changed. He was no longer intent on getting well. Instead, he began looking forward to going to Heaven.
Gloria called me after Ben passed away and shared that Benjamin was truly ready to go. He was no longer afraid of death because he knew where he was going.”
When Jesus came to me about eight hours after Benjamin arrived in heaven, he said that “Heaven’s time is different from earth time. While we were waiting for earth’s time to evolve, Jesus had the chance to tell Benjamin about Heaven. “This is his home now,” Jesus said, “and there is a lot of things he has to learn about to be able to enjoy it to the fullest.”
PAT: Then, I greeted him. “Hi, Ben! How long have you been in Heaven?”
BEN replied, “I have been here for about three earth days. I love it! Wow! Who wouldn’t? I am amazed by the GLORY that I see all over heaven. The beauty of the trees and flowers, the joy that emanates from people, this place is amazing…golden streets, roses that are big as basketballs…
PAT laughed, and asked, “For real?!”
BEN responded, “No, REALLY! How could I have known what a wonderful place this is? I was raised in the Catholic Church, so I have always believed in GOD. But no one told me how glorious GOD’s heavenly home is. That is what is amazing me.”
PAT: I asked, “What was the most amazing thing or scene you saw since you arrived?”
BEN said, “THAT was bowing before the LORD GOD who was sitting on His Throne. I was not the only person who arrived in heaven when I did. There were several hundred people who prepared to go before the Throne as new arrivals. Our guardian angels who brought us to Heaven were our guides. We landed outside the humongous gates that were made of a huge pearl cut in half. I think I heard that the gateway is more than a mile wide.
PAT: Wanting to know how wide the gate was, I asked Jesus, “Is that right, LORD?”
JESUS answered, “It depends on the direction you are coming from. Ben entered through the Western Gate that slides open like supermarket doors on earth. After walking into the gates, he faced the River of Life that flows from under the Throne of God and is about two miles wide.
PAT asked, “Ben, did you walk through the river after arriving?”
BEN answered, “Yes, I did. I was surprised when my angel led me into the river. He told me that we could breathe under water because we do not have a physical body like on earth. So, we walked down into the river and onto the riverbed. He talked to me while we were under water. The language we communicated with was through our thoughts.
Whatever I thought, he could hear me and answer by communicating the same way.
I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to be a superhero. Mental telepathy was one of those things that were too awesome to be real. Ha! Not so here in heaven. This is a real thing here,” said Ben, smiling.
PAT asked, “Can you describe what the walk across the River of Life was like to you?”
BEN thoughtfully responded, “The first thing I noticed was the “breathing” thing. Then, the swirling of the water around my spirit body. My guardian angel’s name is Carlton. He told me that every person who comes to heaven must walk through the River of Life. During the 2-mile walk, the water cleanses our minds and hearts of all the bad memories we had while we were living on earth. So, when we walked out of the river onto the Garden of Paradise, I was not only completely dry, but I was also completely healed of all hurtful memories I experienced on earth. I was told that some people who really had a bad life, might sit on the riverbed for several weeks to be cleansed completely.”
PAT asked, “Do you mean that they would sit on the riverbed under water?”
BEN said, “Yes. But it is not muddy. The riverbed is covered with colored stones. I just asked Jesus whether I was thinking correctly. He smiled and said that the colored river stones were jewels.
Now that I am recalling what I saw, He is right. As the waters washed over the riverbed, the river stones would glitter and shine like jewels. Come to think about it, I saw jewels on the gates, on the door frames of houses, and the city walls look like they are made of all kinds of jewels.
Can you imagine that the walkways are made of gold? The gold is so pure that it looks like glass. I am amazed at the things I have seen here.
PAT asked, “So, you said that the most awesome sight or experience was “bowing before the Eternal GOD” who was sitting on His Throne. What does GOD look like?”
BEN’s voice rose in excitement. “That would be a question I could never answer while I was on earth, he responded. Would you believe that God the Father is a bright white light that shine brighter than the sun? Somehow, intermingled with the light are white clouds. He sits on a Throne that shines like a mixture of a gold-green diamond.”
“By the way, GOD is humongous. I just asked Jesus how tall God is from the top of His head to the Floor of the Throne room.
Jesus said, “God is 2000 miles high.”
Can you imagine that? Wow! But He is also beautiful. There are several rainbows that encircle him at different levels… and the air is filled with music that plays like a symphony that is never-ending. All the time I have been here, I hear music in the air.
BEN continued…. The air in Heaven smells like fresh flowers. I don’t know how to explain it.
JESUS added, “The fragrance (of Heaven) is called “Lily of the Valley.”
PAT: Hearing the words “Lily of the Valley” reminded me of a chorus we sang in Vacation Bible School—“Everybody ought to know who Jesus is. He’s the Lily of the Valley [Song of Solomon 2:1], He’s the brightened morning star….”
At the same time, I remembered hearing my daughter’s best friend’s voice, as she walked down the hallway to my room. She remarked, “Oh, your house has a fresh, clean smell… what fragrance do you use to deodorize your home?”
At that moment, I realized that Jesus was present in my home. My sister Marieann and I had been hard at work through the early morning hours, designing a logo for The Overcomers ministry and website [theovercomers.us]. It made sense to me that Jesus was present the next morning, guiding our thoughts and Marie’s drawings that led up to that moment.
Now, I understood why the Bible called Jesus the “Lily of the Valley.” His presence carried the fragrance of the “lily of the valley.” I, too, was amazed.
PAT: Remembering the chorus, I asked Ben, “Will you ask Jesus where the music you hear 24/7 in Heaven is being produced?”
JESUS answered my question: “The music is being produced by angels who are created by the Father to produce heavenly music for all of God’s saints. All human beings are called “saints” in Heaven.”
PAT: “Thank you, Jesus.”
PAT: “Ben, are there other things that you would like to share with me? I am thinking of sending a copy of this conversation to your wife, Gloria.”
BEN: “Oh, yes, Pat. Thank you for all the information you sent to me. I was amazed and kind of shocked when I heard from you. You knew exactly what was going on in my heart. I mean EXACTLY! Your letters answered my questions and guided me into talking or praying to God.
“After Gloria would read the Bible to me, I could hear a soft, gentle voice talking to me. He answered all of the questions I had. I was scared to die in the beginning, because I didn’t know where I was going or what was going to happen. But, Pat, it meant so much to me to hear from God in your letters. In the past two months, I grew a lot in my understanding of the spiritual things of life in Heaven.”
I heard my wife talking to you yesterday on the phone. She told you, “Ben was SO READY to leave.” She was right. I came to the place where I was all ready to go to heaven.”
I prayed the prayers you suggested about allowing God’s Will to be done in me. I gave up “fighting to live.” I released my life to God and I told him that I was ready anytime he wanted me.
So, the last night I was on earth, my guardian angel and Jesus came into my dream. Jesus asked me if I were ready to go home with Him.
I said, “Yes.” Then, I found myself floating above my body and standing on the same level as my guardian angel and Jesus in the air above my bed. They both linked their arms with me and we shot straight up into the air, through the ceiling of our home and into outer space. We were probably traveling at the speed of light, because before I knew it, we were leaving the solar system far below.
You would think that outer space would be freezing cold, but it was warm and comfortable all through my trip to Heaven. Jesus told me that it took us about six earth hours to get to Heaven.
PAT: “Wow! Just imagine… I am talking with you through trillions and trillions of miles of space… yet, I can hear you like you are standing in my room. How is that possible, Jesus?”
JESUS: “Pat, do you remember reading about the “God Particle” from CERN International physicists, who claim that at the moment of conception in a mother’s womb, a bright light is emitted. The “light of life” comes from God the Father. It is divided and a portion remains in the baby. Another portion returns to God the Father. From that moment on, that baby is eternally connected to God. When the baby or child or adult cries out for God, the Heavenly Father hears him/her instinctively and responds to that cry. The connection between human being and God is always there. It is a spiritual connection and not limited in time, space, or distance. That is why when your Aunty Loretta Mactagone asked to speak to you, I just took her to one of the windows that are on the perimeter of Heaven. We looked down to earth and focused on the person we want to see. Your aunty wanted to ask you to write a “thank you” letter to her daughter, who was her caretaker. Do you remember what she said while you were typing out her words on your computer?”
PAT: (Giggling) “Yes.” She said, “Pat do you know that we (saints in heaven) have BINOCULAR EYES? I can even read what you are typing on your computer.”
JESUS: “That’s right!! Since a saint in Heaven is now living in his ‘spiritual body,’ he is not limited to a human body which is the outer case/body/covering that is a “house/home” for your soul (intellect, personality) and your spirit man (created in the Image of God).”
Imagine if you freeze a cup of water into a cube. Then allow it to melt into liquid form. Then, boil the liquid into gas. Now, compare the ability of these three forms. A cube of ice is limited to its outer case…like the body. Then, when you boil the cube into its gaseous state, it can pass out of the case or body form and travel into outer space.
Your spirit man is the part of you that is created in God’s image. That is the part of you that become eternally connected to God the Father/Creator at conception. While your human body returns to the grave, your spirit man returns to its Creator, and your soul becomes a part of the kingdom of your master—Jesus or Satan. There is no in-between.”
JESUS: “Pat, I would like to take this opportunity to speak to your classmates and friends who were raised in Buddhist homes. My Father, the Creator, promised that every individual would be given a choice to choose to go with the master he believed in on earth. The oriental families who were raised as Buddhists were taught a philosophy that encouraged them to be kind, giving, sharing, helping others in need, etc. This is much like the Christian faith.
Your Buddhist parents were good and pure-hearted people. When they were asleep or in a coma just before death claimed their bodies, I appeared to them in the form of an angel of light. They were given a choice to come with Me to My Kingdom or to go with the angel of darkness to Satan’s kingdom. Because they lived shameless lives, they were not afraid of the light. But those who lived shameful lives, were afraid of having their deeds exposed by the light, therefore, they chose to go with the angel of darkness.
JESUS: “My Father revealed to Siddhartha Gautama [also called ‘Buddha’] that the Lord of Mercy would show mankind the way to Nirvana (heaven). Therefore, in the History of Lord Buddha, Section 13, he tells a (man) how to recognize this Lord of Mercy. Therefore, the signs on this Lord of Mercy are the circular marks on his hands, feet, and scar in his side.
Your pure-hearted parents responded to Me, and they are now saints in the Kingdom of God, that some call ‘Heaven.’” I observe them watching and praying for you all the time, because they want you to be with them one day.
PAT: “My Lord, thank you so very much for this comforting message. It brings tear to my eyes and I am so grateful for it.”
PAT: “Ben we cannot end this conversation without making sure you have expressed your heart fully. So, I am asking you, ‘Are there any other thoughts you would like to share with your family and classmates?”
BEN: “Pat, I love and appreciate my wife so very much. She was with me all the way. She knew me so well that she seemed to be able to read my mind sometimes. ☺ But, one more for the road….
BEN: “Georgia, I love you and I always will. Thank you for your undying patience while caring for me during my last days. You are DA BEST!!!
BEN: “To you, my classmates…comrades…friends… sisters… brothers: ‘Believe me, you guys, Heaven is the REAL thing! You gotta choose Jesus as your Master. I have never felt so LOVED, PEACEFUL, CARED FOR in my whole life. (Sob.) I want all of you to be here. Please, make the right choice… choose Jesus… You will never regret it. Much aloha to you all.” –Benjamin Ordinario.
PAT: “Thank you, Ben. I am looking forward to that day we meet again. Meanwhile, enjoy the heavenly fruits. I heard they are so delicious and give you eternally long life. Bye, my friend.”
PAT: “Thank you, Jesus, for orchestrating this long-distance conversation. It has been an awesome experience. Smile. –Patricia Piilani Ono (Nakama).
(Matthew 6:9-13 AMP).
The End time: October 8, 2017 8:44 P.M.
Note to Audience: To respect my children’s privacy, I have agreed to using my maiden name on Honolulu’s Olelo Community Media’s weekly/monthly messages on The Overcomers (Internet Ministry) program, Channel 55.
Overcomers Internet Ministry Video Library
Lord Teach Me to Pray
April 29, 2015
Charles H Spurgeon - Pray Without Ceasing
April 7, 2017
“The Love of God is greater far
Then tongue or man can ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell....”
By Frederick M. Lehman (1917) Hymnary.org